Sunday, September 7, 2008

Best of PTC sites

Payout: 2$ (Low payout)
Links: 1c
Referrals: 50% (Upgraded to 100% by buying premium)
Mostly 5+ ads daily
Members: 1,000,000+
Get paid to: Click
Instant cashouts!!!

Payout: 5$ (Low payout)
Links: 1c
Referrals: 50% (upgraded to 100-125%)
Mostly 15+ ads daily
Members: 500,000+
Get paid to: Click
Trusted site with fast payments (less than 48 hours)

Payout: 5$ (Low payout)
Links: 1c
Referrals: 100%
Mostly 6+ ads daily
Members: 200,000+
Get paid to: Click
Trusted site with fast payments (less than 48 hours)

Payout: 10$
Links: 1c
Referrals: 100%
Mostly 10 ads daily
Members: 1,000,000+
Get paid to: Click
Trusted site

Friday, September 5, 2008

How to cheat on PTC sites

..::How to do this?::..

All you need is firefox and reload every addon for firefox:

-Open firefox
-Open some of PTC sites
-Register or log in
-Go to surf ads
-Click on an add and wait until time is up, and when a green mark appears right click on it and this frame-->open in new tab
-How there will appear a red X in the new tab
-Close the first tab with green mark
-Now you have tab with red X, and address is something like this:
-Put 0 before someNumber
-For example: success.php?ad=0someNumber
-Now go to that page, and if green mark appears it means you succeded and you can cheat a site.
-Just to make a note that all bigger and most populat sites have protection against this method.

-Now in fornt of the 0someNumber put about 200 zeros (0)
-Then go to that page and if green mark appears again it means you succeded!
-Now you have a little arrow near the refresh button in firefox, press it and select reload every 5 seconds.
-If everything works you should earn about 30$ per hour!!!
-Dont put on shorter time interval because you will overload the server!

How to use multiclicker on PTC sites

If you want to earn some money without much work, and you've heard for one of theese sites:


You should know what is it about, those are sites at where you click to earn money. When you click on an add, a new box is opened and you have to wait 30 seconds to get one cent. After earned 10$ (depends on site), they send you the money on your paypal or alertpay account.

Click here to register on alertpay!

This program does all it for you! All you need is to register, enter account information in a program and once daily run the program. You can do what ever you want while program is clicking for you!Here is the picture of how many have i earned in just a week! These sites are trusted and they all payout, they are not scams!

On each site you can take a look how many each sites pay for a click, and how much do you get when your referals click and how many do you have to have for a payout.

These are links to the most trusted sites:


Now lets take a look how to set up our program to work properly:

When you run a program you have a button add...

After that you choose a site, for example

Enter your username and password from the site

Than you choose an automation type

They you will be asked do you want to use a proxy, I will explain more about that later

Option do you want to see a site when running or not...

And do you want to start clicking after finishing the wizard

When you add all the sites, click start all and enjoy while it is clicking for you!

Download link for program:

When you have done that, you can do one more thing to make it much faster!
Register new accounts via your referal link, so you have more accounts for each PTC site, which means that instead 10 cents daily you will get much more, depedning on the number of accounts!

Open mighty google and type in "online proxy"

And choose one of the sites...

Take the adress of the site on which you are going to register again via your referal link and

register your new account!
Be carefull not to use same passwords or emails because you will be banned for dupe accounts!!!

After you've done that step all over again throught the above procedure to add a new account in multiclicker and when in a proxy tab select yes

Than find a proxy and enter its address

You can find a proxy by typing "proxy list" in a google.

Once again, a download link for latest multiclicker: